- thumbnail sketch
- 1. краткое описание2. набросок
English-Russian architecture dictionary. 2015.
English-Russian architecture dictionary. 2015.
thumbnail sketch — ˌthumbnail ˈsketch [thumbnail sketch] noun a short description of sth, giving only the main details • The first chapter provides a thumbnail sketch of the social and political climate of the US in the 1960s … Useful english dictionary
thumbnail sketch — index brief Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
thumbnail sketch — n. a quick and concise description. (One that could be written on someone’s thumbnail.) □ Let me give you a thumbnail sketch of what happened. □ The story in a thumbnail sketch deals with a family of storks and what happens to them during each of … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
thumbnail sketch — /ˈθʌmneɪl skɛtʃ/ (say thumnayl skech) noun 1. Also, thumbnail. a concise or rudimentary drawing. 2. a brief description of a person or account of an event: *While Johnny is mixing his Pimms out in the kitchen I ll give you a thumbnail sketch of a …
thumbnail sketch — or thumbnail image A very small and loose drawing. In digital imaging, a small image usually derived from a larger one, also known as a browse image … Glossary of Art Terms
thumbnail sketch — Synonyms and related words: abbreviation, abbreviature, abrege, abridgment, abstract, brief, capsule, compend, condensation, condensed version, conspectus, digest, draft, epitome, head, outline, overview, pandect, precis, review, rubric,… … Moby Thesaurus
thumbnail — ► NOUN 1) the nail of the thumb. 2) (before another noun ) brief or concise: a thumbnail sketch … English terms dictionary
thumbnail — [thum′nāl΄] n. the nail of the thumb adj. very small, brief, or concise [a thumbnail sketch] … English World dictionary
Thumbnail — Thumbnails are reduced size versions of pictures, used to help in recognizing and organizing them, serving the same role for images as a normal text index does for words. In the age of digital images, visual search engines and image organizing… … Wikipedia
sketch — noun 1 quick drawing ADJECTIVE ▪ lightning, quick ▪ rough, simple ▪ detailed ▪ preliminary, preparatory … Collocations dictionary
sketch — n. drawing 1) to draw, make a sketch 2) a composite sketch 3) a rough sketch short essay 4) a brief, thumbnail sketch 5) a biographical sketch * * * [sketʃ] make a sketch thumbnail sketch [ drawing ] to draw [ short essay ] a brief a bio … Combinatory dictionary